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  • Subject is exactly "Oral History"

...a collection of twenty-seven abridged transcripts from our interviews with former governors, former and current presidents of the college, former students, former students who have become faculty or staff members of the college, and twenty-year…

...a collection of twenty-seven abridged transcripts from our interviews with former governors, former and current presidents of the college, former students, former students who have become faculty or staff members of the college, and twenty-year…

President Carter came to the Loudoun Campus of Northern Virginia Community College in 1980 to sign the Reauthorization of the Higher Education Acts.

President Carter came to the Loudoun Campus of Northern Virginia Community College in 1980 to sign the Reauthorization of the Higher Education Acts.

President Carter came to the Loudoun Campus of Northern Virginia Community College in 1980 to sign the Reauthorization of the Higher Education Acts.

President Carter signing the Reauthorization of the Higher Education Acts at the Loudoun Campus of Northern Virginia Community College, in 1980.

Dr. Reynolds (at right) was interviewed for "Northern Virginia Community College: An Oral History, 1965-1985." Hired as Dean of Students at the Alexandria Campus of Northern Virginia Community College in 1969, he became Provost of Loudoun Campus in…

Dr. Lionel Sylvas, Woodbridge Campus Provost, was interviewed for "Northern Virginia Community College: An Oral History, 1965-1985."

A photograph featuring Beverly Blois, Charles Errico, Elizabeth Clark-Lewis, Raymond Bai­ley, and Patrick Reed.

A photograph featuring George Hieronymus, Bill Hill, Dana Hamel, Cecil Shuler, Kate Rip­ley, Mark Gillespie, Eugene Braun, and Robert McKee.
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